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Budgeting it’s about relationships.

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You have probably heard a lot over your life that you need to have a budget. If only you had a budget you wouldn’t be where you are right now. Are these statements true? Well truth is they can be.

The first thing you have to understand is that budgeting is about relationships and this applies whether you are single, married, or dating.

When you are single you have to understand that your relationship with yourself will effect what happens to your money. Are you in a healthy place both mentally and physically? Have you set goals for yourself both personal and financial? What does your future look like? If you don’t know the answer to these questions than your money almost no matter how much you make is never going to get you anywhere because you have nowhere to go.

If you are married your relationship with your spouse will effect your money. Are you guys happy in your marriage? Do you talk often about where your money is and how you want to spend it? Do you keep each other informed on purchases and sales that you make? Do you know how much each other makes? What is the goall for the next 5 years? How much debt do you both have?

When you are dating it’s always important to see if the person has the same goals as you. What do they want? What do they want for you? Do they want you spending large amounts on them to keep them happy? Are you happy with the amount you have to spend for them to be happy with you? How much do your material possessions matter to you and especially to them. Does this person bring stress more often than happiness, do they even care about what you are trying to accomplish?

Now you might be wondering why does this matter all I need to do is sit down create a budget of my income, and my expenses and make sure that the income is higher than the expenses. That is partially true but if that’s all there is to budgeting why are so many people living paycheck to paycheck?

Ever heard the phrase “keeping up with the jonses?” Well that’s where relationships start to dictate financial habits. You think things like “they have a better car than me, I need an upgrade.” Or you think “my girlfriend or wife likes the expensive things that guy is buying better than what I get her.” Our perception becomes what others think of us, and the way that we appear to them. We think if we aren’t meeting other people’s perceptions we are somehow losing.

No matter how much you budget you can’t willpower your way out of bad Financial habits. You have to first change your relationships and make sure that they are working for you, not against you. If you are married be accountability partners for each other with finances and if overspending is happening find out why. Deal with the root causes not the habit itself.

If you are single work on yourself, when your mental health and physical health are better so is your mindset. A strong mindset allows us to be able to make decisions that are healthy for us in a variety of ways. When we are single we have to watch our relationships with our friends, family, potential dating prospects. Are they headed to the same place I am? If not try to help them, if they don’t want help than move on. Just remember “if you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room.” Always be challenging yourself.

If you are dating always always ask yourself will this person make me better and strive with me for the best? If the answer is no move on, there are so many things that matter so much more than looks. In time looks will fade but you know what won’t, the support, love and drive of a good partner who wants you to be successful.

Relationships will either make or break your financial well being. Being successful in budgeting is 5% frugality, 20% planning and 75% relationships. If those around you are not on onboard with your plans they will either drag you down or make it harder.

Don’t try to be something you are not. Getting a nice car, house, diamond ring, all the video games you want, will never help you climb the rungs on the ladder of wealth. In fact most of the time they will set you back, it doesn’t mean you can’t get those things. Just get them when you are on the same rung of the ladder that they are.

while we cover what an actual budget looks like in other posts we wanted this one to specifically cover relationships. Because if your relationships aren’t healthy than your finances won’t be either. So start where it counts see who you can trust, who has your best interests at heart and work with them to make your finances successful.

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